Making Paratha is very simple; if one get the right ingredients(flour). Stuffed Parathas are always special than the normal ones. Again, individual choices are different!
While i'm not busy in kitchen; i cook for my chefs & encourage them to make something.Well, the fact is such things makes the team more stronger & break the shyness of the chefs to try out sumthing new. It can be a rice dish, plain dal, sandwich, snacks. It's fun!
So, here we go with "Paneer Paratha". I just gave a little twist to this recipe by adding mustad seeds & turmeric powder.
Basic for any bread dish is "Good quality of Atta/ Flour". If you have the right one; consider then half your work is done.
Whole wheat flour - 200 gms
Paneer - 100 gms.
Green Chillies - 4 no's
Coriander Leaves - Few
Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tspn
Mustard seeds - 1 tspn
oil- 2 tbspn
Ghee -To cook parathas.
Make a dough with flour, salt, water & oil. Leave it aside for around 20-30 minutes by covering it with a wet cloth.
Grate the Paneer. In a pan heat oil; add mustard seeds; while it crackles add green chillies followed by turmeric & then paneer. DO NOT ADD SALT. Add chopped corainder after the mixture cools down.
Divide the dough in to equal portions. Slightly press the portioned dough in between your palms. Slowly press the edges of the dough; so that it form in to a bowl shape.Now, add salt to the paneer mixture fill the required amount of paneer mixture in to it & then seal it. Follow the same process to all the portioned dough.
Slightly dust some flour on the table or on the rolling surface. Place the dough & gently press it & then start rolling it out. DO NOT PRESS IT HARD; as the stuffing will come out.
Heat a pan/ tawa wipe it clean; gently rub it with ghee; place the paratha to the hot pan. Turn it over finish it with ghee. Serve the paratha hot with curd / pickle or raitha.
CHEF'S TIP: The secret for adding water to the dough is very simple. Always keep the ratio as 1 cup of flour ; 35% (of the same cup) of water; then add more if needed. Also, the quality of the atta plays a major role in this.Never add salt to the stuffing in advance as it leaves water & it will be difficult to roll the parathas. The first few attempts may not be successful in rolling the parathas but never give up! Always think you are trying something new at home & it will be fun! (Not applicable to professional chefs during the busy service period :D)
CHEF'S TIP: The secret for adding water to the dough is very simple. Always keep the ratio as 1 cup of flour ; 35% (of the same cup) of water; then add more if needed. Also, the quality of the atta plays a major role in this.Never add salt to the stuffing in advance as it leaves water & it will be difficult to roll the parathas. The first few attempts may not be successful in rolling the parathas but never give up! Always think you are trying something new at home & it will be fun! (Not applicable to professional chefs during the busy service period :D)
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